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Edmond Police Investigate Shocking And

Edmond Police Officer, Former Officer Accused Of Bribery

Upload : 17 years ago...

2008-02-23 01:56 2,223 Youtube

Edmond accused of dialing, texting 911 hundreds of times

Upload : 7 years ago...

2018-02-23 01:44 130 Youtube

WATCH: Man rams truck into ex's car, leads officers on pursuit in Edmond

Upload : 3 years ago...

2022-02-23 02:02 608 Youtube

Phoenix and Glendale police investigating shooting

Suspect in shooting linked to three different scenes...

2016-09-17 02:41 3 Dailymotion

Phoenix police investigating hit and run

The crash happened near 48th Street and Baseline Road....

2016-12-09 00:41 6 Dailymotion

US and UK police investigate Weinstein


2017-10-13 01:43 0 Dailymotion

Harlingen Police Investigating Hit and Run


2021-11-18 00:27 0 Dailymotion